Giza’s Story

When Giza was born in 2012 she was admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit due to birth complications–a harbinger for the many health issues she would face in her childhood. Tragically, before she even turned one, Giza was diagnosed with bilateral retinoblastoma, a cancer in the eyes. Scans showed that this little baby girl had eight cancerous tumors in her eyes–five in the left eye and three in the right. The cancer took part of her left eye from the inside leaving her visually impaired for life.
After undergoing chemotherapy, cryotherapy, and laser surgeries, the remaining three tumors in the right eye miraculously disappeared, even though doctors said they never would. She’s considered a miracle by the medical profession, and has not had a reoccurrence since.
Although she has been blessed to not have to face cancer since she was very young, Giza does have constant mental and physical health issues as a result of her disease and treatment. In her short twelve years, Giza has been in and out of the hospital, treated for everything from bronchial pneumonia, pink eye, viral infections, chronic stomach issues, fevers, colds, dangerous ear infections, COVID (twice), to retinal chronic headaches, and she has dislocated her elbow four times due to nursemaid's elbow, or radial head subluxation.
Because of so many hospital visits and tests, Giza developed magnified anxiety/phobia and frequently suffers from nightmares. The neurologist prescribed for her a service dog to help with these mental health issues, as well as to help prevent her from falling due to her vision impairment. Merlin’s Kids, founded by Janice Wolfe, trained Fluffy the dog for Giza. She is a true dog whisperer who is well known around the country for training service dogs. Janice is a three-time cancer survivor and perfect for training Fluffy due to her similar background and knowing the residual effects of cancer.
Fluffy is trained to calm Giza during her nightmares, and to help her from falling out of bed. Fluffy guides her if she’s about to fall or bump into something. If she’s anxious he helps calm Giza down by putting his paw on her when detecting higher levels of cortisol. Fluffy was a rescue who was abandoned and left in the streets in a shoe box with his siblings. He survived surgery for intestinal issues. He also has a little bit of anxiety and so they are truly perfect for each other! They are quite the team, and he is invaluable to us as we navigate Giza's disabilities and mental health. Giza's mom told us, "One is going to go from cancer to champion, and the other from rescue to defender!"
Giza's mom Rebecca is a single parent and army veteran. Unfortunately, Rebecca has to miss work often to take care of Giza’s needs and bring her to doctor visits and when she is ill. Rebecca was fired from two jobs for missing too much work to care for her daughter. She had to take a commission-only job to stay at home for flexibility. It’s very difficult to come up with money for the dog’s continual training and upkeep, but the love for her daughter is most important and so they make necessary sacrifices.
Despite Giza’s obstacles and trickling cancer effects, she’s achieved great accomplishments, such as receiving the Presidential Volunteer Service Medal, honor roll at school, and becoming the 2024 Veterans of Foreign Wars post2648, Poppy Girl. She dances, sings, and participates in youth shooting sports with 4-H, as well as in recitals, talent shows, and school plays. Giza hopes to become a veterinarian one day and open an animal sanctuary.
We were able to meet this amazing mother-daughter-doggy trio at our Positively Healing Retreat at Medomak Family Camp in 2024. They were all smiles when they pulled in after an 8-hour drive from New Jersey. We were amazed at how kind and friendly and empathetic Giza was when meeting new friends. After all they've been through, they live life knowing that each moment counts. In Giza’s own words, “The only bullet I faced was the one I dodged.” And her mom feels fortunate in that, "God’s hands have truly been on her, and a world of opportunity awaits her."