During the beginning of Kailyn’s cancer journey in 2013 things were different. Upon entering the hospital, you were always greeted with a smile and a hello. There was always something to do or someone to talk to while they waited for yet another appointment. There were all types of activities, games, movies, treats and performances by clowns, music, massages for the moms, just so many things to keep their minds off of the fact that their 5-year-old little girl had a very scary brain tumor called Anaplastic Ependymoma.
This past February, 7 years after her original diagnosis, a new tumor was discovered. Not only that but during a planning MRI for surgery, they found an additional tumor, this one is inoperable. Kailyn is now 4 weeks into treatment with another 35 rounds of radiation, hoping that radiation will destroy not only any residual cells but also this new growth. This time, because of the virus, when they enter the hospital they are immediately shuffled to a line on the floor 6 feet from the person in front of them. At the reception desk they are given new face masks and squirts of sanitizer, then head straight to treatment through almost empty, silent hallways. There is no one to talk to or compare stories now as they wait. No Child Life specialists to make them smile. No one to comfort them or put their arms around them or hand them a tissue. ALONE, ISOLATED, AFRAID, EXHAUSTED are only a few words Kailyn’s mom used to describe how this pandemic has made everything so much worse for cancer patients and their families.
Through everything Kailyn has grown to be an amazing young lady with her own unique quirks. Her mom Alison knows what her daughter is facing and told us, “I am broken everyday wondering to myself just how far this disease is going to go. How much of her life it is going to take away, and when and if it does, have I done enough to fight it?”
This is our last plea for #givingtuesdaynow. We need funds to help provide grants to Kailyn’s family and several others that are going through treatment during this time of isolation. It’s so simple to give $5 or $10 through Facebook. You can also donate on our website or through the Paypal Giving Fund.