One Mission Open to Healing Family Grief Retreat
Rolling Ridge Retreat Center, North Andover, MA
June 29 @ 3:30 pm – July 3 @ 11:00 am

Experience a meaningful week with others that understand your loss. Open yourself and your family up to healing grief in new ways.
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At Rett’s Roost, we show people ways to experience moments of joy & gratitude amidst their grief. While we cannot hope to relieve your grief in just a few days, our goal is to change your course toward healing even if you cannot yet see how that might be possible. We hope you leave feeling less alone in this lonely world of child loss, with tools in your back pocket and friends to call on for when you enter those dark spaces of grief.
What to expect: Rett’s Roost will be hosting up to 8 families at Rolling Ridge Retreat Center from Saturday through Wednesday, providing nearly four full days of therapeutic support and connecting with others.
Prior to the retreat, parents will meet on zoom for a story-sharing session in May or June. This allows people to feel more comfortable coming together in-person in the summer already having met online.
Besides plenty of time to relax at the retreat, we offer activities that allow you to share with others and heal within. The agenda will include grief support, yoga, art, and music for both parents and children. Also, get a massage, energy treatment, and have professional family portraits taken. Kids activities are provided by Sage’s Entertainment, Curious Creatures, Ironstone Farm, and other wonderful collaborators.
At Rolling Ridge, each family will have their own bedroom and bathroom. A handicap-accessible room is available–please request early. The Rolling Ridge staff will be providing delicious, healthy meals & snacks in their dining room.
Does my family qualify? For this retreat, we will accept up to 8 families that have lost a child under 20 to cancer or other chronic medical illness. We also are now opening up our retreats to families that lost a child (6 months to age 19) suddenly that live within 2 hours drive of our heart-quarters in Ogunquit, ME. There is no restriction on the amount of time since your child’s death. Our retreats are best suited for children between the ages of 4-16, however, we do welcome families with older and younger children. Unfortunately, we cannot accept parents that lost their only child or only have surviving children older than 18 at this retreat (please see our parent only retreats in April and November). Limited travel scholarships are available by request.
DEI: Rett’s Roost retreats are nondenominational. We act, and ask our participants to act, without discriminating against any person or organization because of their race, age, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, or religious belief.
Check out more pictures from last years’ retreats at Rolling Ridge:
2021 Photos, 2022 Photos, 2023 Photos, 2024 Photos
Please know that our retreats do fill quickly, feel free to reach out if you have any questions before you apply.